Legal notice


This website is edited by:
Roissypôle – Le Dôme : 1, rue de La Haye – BP 10981 – F – 95731 Roissy CDG Cedex
87, boulevard Malesherbes, F – 75008 Paris
Landline: +33 (0)1 88 83 22 30

CHESNEAU FISCHEL is an Association d’Avocats à Responsabilité Professionnelle Individuelle (AARPI)
SIREN n° 537 691 487
VAT: FR 72 537 691 487

Director of publication: Mr. Amaël CHESNEAU

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The images presented in this website have been realised by Alienor Gasperi (portraits), Brenna Clerkin (Le Dôme), Fotolia, Shutterstock.

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