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Airlines v. Passengers: News from the French courts in 2020

France / Air law Passengers vs airlines: the Court of Appeal of Paris rules that French courts do not have jurisdiction to enforce Regulation 261/2004 on airlines not domiciled in a Member State Download post [PDF, 161 Ko] In a ruling of 3 December 2020, the Court of Appeal of Paris holds that French courts […]

ACNUSA – The French Conseil Etat substitutes the cancelled fines…

France/Air law Download post (PDF, 117 KB) …for fines of the same amounts! Council of State, 29 July 2020, no. 432969, Air Horizont Ltd vs ACNUSACouncil of State, 2 October 2020, no. 432970, Air Horizont Ltd vs ACNUSACouncil of State, 2 October 2020, no. 432971, Jet Aviation AG vs ACNUSACouncil of State, 2 October 2020, […]

Aviation noise in France

Par cinq arrêts rendus le 12 juillet 2019, la Cour administrative d’appel de Paris confirme l’annulation de cinq amendes prononcées par l’ACNUSA à l’encontre de trois compagnies aériennes en raison de l’intervention du Président de l’ACNUSA en phase de poursuite et en phase de jugement des affaires.

ACNUSA vs Airlines : the lack of impartiality of the ACNUSA is confirmed

In five judgements delivered on 12 July 2019, the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris confirms the cancellation of five fines imposed by ACNUSA against three airlines on the grounds of the intervention of ACNUSA’s President in both the prosecution phase and the judgment phase of these cases.

ACNUSA & Airlines: very much in the news!

In 2019, ACNUSA was forced against its will to forego penalizing more than 200 offences committed by the airlines…At the same time, ACNUSA has significantly increased the average amount of the fines it imposes…ACNUSA’s President for his part is lobbying intensely with the Minister of Transport to obtain a fivefold increase in the maximum fine, […]

France/ACNUSA: the airlines win a new battle against the ACNUSA

Lack of impartiality on the part of acnusa’s president. Whereas ACNUSA considered that its sanctioning procedure could no longer be disputed until it is effectively repealed on 30 June 2018, the Administrative Court of Paris has just cancelled a series of fines pronounced previously, confirming the lack of impartiality on the part of ACNUSA’s President. […]

The Constitutional Council censors ACNUSA’s power to sanction

A business aviation company wins its case against ACNUSA by denouncing its lack of impartiality. Download post [PDF] The decision of the Constitutional Council is important in several respects: Sanctioned to pay two fines of €24,000 and €30,000 by ACNUSA on 10 January 2017, a Czech business aviation company immediately referred the matter to the […]